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Ghana Dance Ensemble

A highly successful collaboration between the Government's Institute of Arts and Culture and The Institute of African Studies of the University of Ghana created the Ghana Dance Ensemble in 1962. From its inception, the Ensemble was to be Ghana's flagship for the professional, world-wide promotion of the music and dance heritage of Ghana under girded by solid field work and experimental research.

J.H. Kwabena Nketia Archives


The Institute of African Studies (I.A.S) Audio Visual Archive represents both the I.A.S Audio Visual unit and the ICAMD audio visual archive. The collections held at the IAS Audio Visual Archive are perhaps some of the most valuable assets of Ghanaian traditions in the world and represent a tremendous resource at the Institute and the University of Ghana as crucial documents of the human record.

Editorial Advisory Board

Professor Samuel Ntewusu (Director, IAS, University of Ghana)

Professor Dzodzi Tsikata (SOAS, University of London)

Professor Kelly Askew (University of Michigan, USA)

Professor Seth Asumah (State University of New York Cortlandt, USA)

Professor Nemata Blyden (George Washington University, USA)

Professor V. Kofi Agawu (Princeton University/The Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA)

Professor Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni (University of South Africa)

Professor Ray Silverman (University of Michigan, USA)

Societies and Cultures Section

Focusing on the University of Ghana’s mission to “develop world class human resources and capabilities to meet national development needs and global challenges through quality teaching, learning, research and knowledge dissemination”, fellows of the Societies and Cultures section actively participate in the Institute of African Studies (IAS) teaching, research, and outreach activities.

Media and Visual Arts Section

The Media and Visual Arts Section of the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana is one of the six sections of the Institute. The section handles the teaching, learning, and researching into African Art and its history and the material culture on the African Continent and in the diaspora while situating these within global art history discourses.

Support Staff

Senior Staff

Alongya Mark-Anthony Chief Administrative Assistant
Ametewee Fidelia Serwaa Principal Research Assistant
Opuni Kwagyan Frimpong Klinsmann Senior ICT Assistant
Twum-Danso Daniel  Chief Library Assistant
Gyesaw George   Senior Research Assistant

Vision and Mission


To become a global leader for scholarship on Africa and her Diaspora.


To engage in the regeneration of Africa and her peoples through knowledge production, dissemination, application and preservation