The Chief Executive Officer of the South & Southern Africa Region of the Standard Chartered Bank, Mr. Kweku Bedu-Addo, has delivered the sixth in the series of the Annual AngloGold Ashanti Lectures on Business in Africa at the Kwame Nkrumah Complex, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon.
Speaking on the topic “Africa Rising: Wheel of Fortune or Genuine Social Transformation?” Mr. Bedu-Addo stressed the need for Africans to hold themselves accountable to a high standard, among other things. He especially called for the introduction of social accounting metrics to hold governments accountable to the public, maintaining that the metrics should be strictly transparent and independently monitored to ensure that governments across the region took decisions that were beneficial to the citizenry and created value for the next generation. “The metrics must be able to measure the quality of education, health and other infrastructure development to ensure there is value for money,” he said.
The lecture was chaired by Mr. Tony Oteng-Gyasi, the Managing Director of Tropical Cables and Conductors Limited, and former Chairman of the University Council. The Director of the Institute, Professor Dzodzi Tsikata, and the General Manager and Managing Director, AngloGold Ashanti (Obuasi Mine), Mr. Eric Asubonteng, took turns to make remarks at the lecture.
The lecture brought together both members of the University community and the general public including representatives of the diplomatic corps, the media and traditional leaders from mining areas of Ghana as well as officials from AngloGold Ashanti Ghana Limited, the main sponsor of the lecture series.
The Ghana Dance Ensemble, the resident dance company of the Institute, was in attendance to grace the occasion with a seperewa appellation to herald the speaker.
Mr. Kweku Bedu-Addo delivering his lecture
A full report as well as photo coverage on the lecture will be uploaded in due course.