Mercy Akrofi Ansah, a Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of African Studies (IAS), University of Ghana had her tertiary education at The University of Manchester (Ph.D in Linguistics); University of Ghana (M. Phil. Linguistics; B.A. Linguistics with Spanish) and the University of Cape coast (P.G.D.E). She belongs to the Language, Literature and Drama section of the IAS. Her research interest spans the areas of the Grammar of less-studied languages; Language Typology; Biographies and the Use of Language in various speech domains. In recent times she has researched into topics such as ‘Receiving justice in your mother-tongue: the role of court interpreters; ‘Investigating language barriers in healthcare’; ‘Language as a socio-cultural tool in Sustainable Development’; ‘Language use in the multilingual classroom’ and ‘Music as a language revitalization tool’. The findings of her research have been widely published in both local and international journals. Mercy teaches ‘Introduction to African Studies’ at the undergraduate level. At the graduate level she is engaged in the teaching of ‘Academic Writing’ ; 'African Languages and Language Endangerment'; and 'African Languages in Development Practice'. She has supervised graduate theses in the areas of Linguistics (Endangered Languages; Toponymy) and Biographies. Dr. Mercy Akrofi Ansah is a fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) and a member of the following bodies: Linguistics Association of Ghana (LAG); African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA); and the West African Linguistics Association. She is affiliated to the World Congress of African Linguistics (WOCAL). She is involved in Adult Literacy activities in the West Adenta community of Accra-Ghana.
Akrofi Ansah, M. & Darko, P.O. (2019). Justice in the mother tongue; The task of court interpreters in Ghanaian law courts. In Ralarala M. K., Russell H. K. Heydon G. (Eds.). New Frontiers in Forensic Linguistics. Themes and Perspectives in Language and Law in Africa and Beyond. pp. 113-14.
Akrofi Ansah, M., Esi Sutherland-Addy, E. & Nanbigne, E. (2018). Okyeame Boafo Akuffo: Redefining Oratory in the New Ghana. In Akrofi Ansah, M. & Sutherland-Addy, E. (eds.). Building the Nation: Seven Notable Ghanaians. pp. 215-252. Tema: DIGIBOOKS, Ghana.
Owoahene-Acheampong S. & Akrofi Ansah, M. (2018). A champion of women:
Florence Abena Dolphyne. In Akrofi Ansah, M. & Sutherland-Addy, E. (Eds.).
Building the Nation: Seven Notable Ghanaians. pp. 253-290. Tema: DIGIBOOKS, Ghana.
Mercy Akrofi Ansah and Esi Sutherland-Addy (eds.) (2018). Building the Nation:
Seven Notable Ghanaians. Tema: DIGIBOOKS, Ghana.
Adjei, A. E. & Akrofi Ansah, M. (2022). The storytelling tradition at Larteh, Ghana:
Implications for language vitality. European Journal of Language and Culture Studies.
1(5), 23-32.
Obiri, M. A. Y. & Akrofi Ansah, M. (2022). Morphophonological features of English
loanwords in Lɛtɛ. European Journal of Language and Culture Studies. 1(5), 1-8.
Boakye, Y. G., Anku, J., & Akrofi Ansah, M. (2022). Implementing Ghana’s language-in-
education policy in a multilingual classroom in the city of Accra, Ghana. International
Journal of Education, Technology and Science. 2 (3), 348-369.
Akrofi Ansah, M., Agyeman, N. A., & Adjei, G. (2022). Revitalizing minority languages
using music: Three South-Guan languages in focus. Research Journal in Advanced
Humanities, 3 (1): 19-34.
Akrofi Ansah, M. (2022). Polar Interrogatives in Lɛtɛ discourse. Legon Journal of the
Humanities.32 (2): 37-54.
Akrofi Ansah, M. (2022). Leteh verbal morphology and inflectional affixes. Journal of
Language and Linguistic Studies.18 (2) 410-434.
Akrofi Ansah, M. (2022). The speech sounds, syllable structure and Tone system of a
less-studied West African language, Lɛtɛ. Research Journal of African Languages. 3 (1)
Akrofi Ansah, M. (2021). An account of Leteh Adpositions. Journal of West African
Languages. 48.1: 1-11.
Akrofi Ansah, M. (2021). A grammatical description of Leteh Nominal Morphology.
Studies in African Languages. Vol. 50, No. 2, 346-363.
Akrofi Ansah, M. (2021). The Leteh ‘give’ verb nɛ̀ in multiple syntactic contexts. Journal
of West African Languages. 48.2: 33-41.
Akrofi Ansah, M. & Klugah, M. A. (2020). Investigating language barriers in Psychiatric
care in Ghana. Journal of Communication in Healthcare. 13 (4): 325-334.Taylor and
Francis online.
Akrofi Ansah, M. & Klugah, M. A. (2019). Language barriers in healthcare delivery: A
focus on expatriate healthcare providers in Ghanaian hospitals. Communication and
Medicine. 16 (3): 1-13. Equinox Publishing.
Akrofi Ansah, M. (2018). Reminiscing the contribution of a pioneer to the
development of Akan: C.A. Akrofi. Ghana Journal of Linguistics.7 (2): pp. 244-267.