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Ɔbenfo (Professor) Ọbádélé Bakari Kambon

Ɔbenfo (Professor) Ọbádélé Bakari Kambon
Associate Professor
Room 224 Kwame Nkrumah Complex, Institute of African Studies
Language, Literature, and Drama Section
  • PhD Linguistics – Honors – Vice Chancellor's Award for Best PhD Thesis, University of Ghana, Legon-Accra (2012) 
  • MA Linguistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI (2005)
  • MA African Languages and Literature, minor in Linguistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI (2005)
  • BA African American Studies – Honors: Magna Cum Laude, Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA





Kambon, Ọ., (Forthcoming). The Construction of Black Civilization: Volume I.


Osam, E. K., & Kambon, Ọ. (Eds.). (2023). Aspects of Akan Verbal Semantics. Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 1–247. Retrieved from Linguistics Association of Ghana.


Amfo, N. A. A., Ọmọniyì, T. Teigo, N. T. Kambon, Ọ. & Saah, K. K. (2018). Therapeutic Communication Competencies for Nurses and Midwives. Accra: Digibooks.


Bak, Shmsw (Armah, A. K., Attah, A., Bentsi-Enchill, N. K., Blondin, C. A., Delpechin, J., Diop, D., Kambon, Ọ., Somet, Y., Shabaka, L). (2018). Skhmkht Ea. Popenguine, Senegal: Per Ankh. (Yorùbá section)


Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters


Kambon, Ọ. (2025). #GandhiMustFall, #AugustusMustFall, Temporal Reality,   Ma’at and srwḏ tꜢ n Kmt ‘Restoring the Land of Black People’. In S. Makoni, B. Antia, & S. Rudwick (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Language and Race. Routledge.


Aketema, J., Kambon, Ọ., & Agyemang, B. K. (2025). The Problematics of Intellectualising Indigenous Languages and People, a Cursory Look at the Science of Language in Literature and Formal Education. In I. Mhute, Z. Mtumane, & V. M. Matiza (Eds.), Resuscitation of African Languages. Springer Nature/Palgrave Macmillan.



Kambon, Ọ. (2023). Semantic Integration as Emergence in Akan Serial Verb Constructions (SVCs) and Serial Verb Construction Nominalisation (SVCN). In E. K. Osam & Ọ. B. Kambon (Eds.), Aspects of Akan Verbal Semantics (pp. 152-202). Linguistics Association of Ghana.


Osam, E. K., & Kambon, Ọ. (2023). Introduction to Aspects of Akan Verbal Semantics. In E. K. Osam & Ọ. B. Kambon (Eds.), Aspects of Akan Verbal Semantics (pp. 1–25). Linguistics Association of Ghana.


Kambon, Ọ. (2021). Of Rivers, Rivulets and Repatriation. In A Smart Ghana Repatriation Guide, Adinkra Group.



Kambon, Ọ. (2020). Capoeira, Its Value as ICH and the Open School Project: Experiences and Reflections. In P. Seong-yong & R. Seok-yeol (Eds.), Traditional Martial Arts as Intangible Cultural Heritage (pp. 17-28). Chungju-si: UNESCO-ICM.


Kambon, Ọ., & Appiagyei-Atua, K. (2018). The Exportation and Imposition of Statues and why Gandhi Still Must Fall in Ghana. In Oxford Rhodes Must Fall Movement (Ed.), Rhodes Must Fall: The Struggle to Decolonise the Racist Heart of Empire. London: Zed Books.


Kambon, Ọ., & Adjei, G. K. (2017). Singing Truth to Power and the Disempowered: The Case of Lucky Mensah and his Song, “Nkratoɔ”. In A. Olukotun & S. Omotoso (Eds.), Political Communication in Africa (pp. 133-158). Berlin: Springer.


Abdellatif, M., & Kambon, Ọ. (2017). Recalling a Common Struggle for Pan-Africanism: Nkrumah’s and Nasser’s Policies on the Congo Crisis (1960-1966). In A. K. Awedoba, J. U. Gordon, E. Sutherland-Addy, & A. A. Ampofo (Eds.), Revisiting African Studies in a Globalized World (pp. 63-76). Tema, Ghana: Smartline.


Published Research Work in Refereed Journals


Songsore, L., & Kambon, Ọ. (2025). An Analysis of the Connections Between Black Thought and the Culinary Ritual in the Context of Black Survival. African Journal of Media & Society.


Kambon, Ọ., & Songsore, L. (2025). “You Can Sit Down Next to White Folks – On the Toilet” – Integration, Apartheid, And Untouchability. African Journal of Media & Society.


Kambon, O., Songsore, L., & Aketema, J. (2023). 400 Years? Ancestors Disappear! Historical Misorientation and Disorientation in The Year of Return and the 400 Years Narrative. Journal of African American Studies, 27(3).


Appah, C., Duah, R., & Kambon, Ọ. (2023). Cardinal numerals in Akan: A Construction Morphology Account. Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 12(1), 48-72.


Aketema, J., & Kambon, Ọ. (2023). Mꜣꜥt 'Maat', Death and the Afterlife in Traditional Afrika. Journal of Religions in Africa, 53(2), 1-32.


Kambon, Ọ., & Songsore, L. (2022). Combating cultural imperialism & cultural misorientation to preserve Afrikan intangible cultural heritage. Legon Journal of the Humanities, 33(1), 114-137.


Kambon, Ọ., & Songsore, L. (2021). A Cross-linguistic Study of Body Part Expressions in Classical and Contemporary Afrikan Languages: Akan, Yorùbá, Kiswahili and mdw nTr. Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 10(1), 150-176.


Aketema, J., & Kambon, Ọ. (2021). Maat and the Rebirth of Kmt ‘Land of Black People’: An Examination of Beatty’s Djehuty Project. Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions, 10(2), 47-76.


Kambon, Ọ., & Songsore, L. (2021). Fiction vs. Evidence: A Critical Review of Ataa Ayi Kwei Armah’s Wat Nt Shemsw and the Eurasian Rhetorical Ethic. African and Asian Studies, 20(1-2), 124-153.


Kambon, Ọ., & Songsore, L. (2021). T.R.H. Nana Marcus Mosiah Garvey’s “Universal Negro”, Nana Kwame Nkrumah’s “All-African,” and the Theory of Intraspecific Aggressive Ideological Mimicry (AIM). Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review, 38(1), 143-186.


Kambon, Ọ., & Yɛboah, R. M. (2021). Politicians, Prostiticians, and The Ghana-United States Military Base Agreement: What happens when you let the united snakkkes into your home? Turning the Tide: Journal of Inter-communal Solidarity, 33(1), 1-6.


Kambon, Ọ., Songsore, L., & Asare, Y. (2020). Maat vs. the Statue of Égalité: A Critical Analysis of Ataa Ayi Kwei Armah’s Wat Nt Shemsw: The Way of Companions. Legon Journal of the Humanities, 31(2), 33-65.


Duah, R., & Kambon, Ọ. (2020). On The Structure of Causatives In Akan. Journal of West African Languages, 47(2), 1-22.


Kambon, Ọ. (2020). Editorial Book Critique: The Origin of the Word Amen: Ancient Knowledge the Bible has Never Told. Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 9(1), 72-96. Retrieved from


Kambon, Ọ., & Asare, Y. M. (2019). Humanities and Sciences as Complementary Aspects of an Afrikan=Black Whole: Evidence from Archeoastronomy. Legon Journal of the Humanities, 30(2), 215-242. Retrieved from


Kambon, Ọ. (2019). & Yɛboah, N. Y. M. What Afrikan Names May (or May Not) Tell Us about the State of Pan-Afrikanism. Journal of Black Studies, 50(6), 569–601.


Kambon, Ọ. (2019). Ku Nseke and Ku Mpèmba: The Dikènga Theory as Evinced Through Content and Function of Akan Ananse Stories and Yorùbá Ìjàpá Tales. Contemporary Journal of African Studies, 6(2), 215-242. Retrieved from


Kambon, Ọ., Duah, R., & Appah, C. (2018). Serial Verb Nominalization in Akan: The Question of Intervening Elements. In E. Clem, P. Jenks, & H. Sande (Eds.), Theory and description in African Linguistics: Selected papers from ACAL 47 (pp. 395–422). Language Sciences Press.


Kambon, Ọ. (2018). Afrikan Combat Forms Hidden in Plain Sight: Engolo/Capoeira, Knocking-and-Kicking and Asafo Flag Dancing Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies, 11(10), 327-363. Retrieved from


Kambon, Ọ., & Yɛboah, R. M. (2018). Haiti, Morocco and the AU: A Case Study on Black Pan-Africanism vs. anti-Black continentalism. CODESRIA: Identity, Culture, And Politics 19(1-2), 41-64. Retrieved from


Kambon, Ọ., & Duah, R. A. (2017). Non-African Linguists Be Like, "This is a new way to quote!". Ghana Journal of Linguistics - Special Issue, 6(2), 85-115.


Kambon, Ọ., & Dzahene-Quarshie, J. (2017). Twiswahili or Kiswatwili: A Study of Parallel Proverbs in Akan (Twi) and Kiswahili. Ghana Journal of Linguistics - Special Issue, 6(2), 116-153.


Kambon, Ọ. (2017). Akan Ananse Stories, Yorùbá Ìjàpá Tales, and the Dikenga Theory: Worldview and Structure. Contemporary Journal of African Studies, 4(2), 1-36.


Kambon, Ọ. (2017). An Intertextual Analysis of Jími Ṣólańkẹ́’s Ọ̀nà Là (In The Path) via the Multiple Star System Theory of Mutual Illumination and Interaction. Legon Journal of the Humanities, 28(1), 62-78. doi:


Appah, C. K. I., Duah, R. A., & Kambon, Ọ. (2017). Akan noun–verb nominal compounds: The exocentric synthetic view. Language Sciences, 1-15.


Kambon, Ọ. (2017). Intellectual Warfare, Theory and Practice: Gates, Thornton, White World Terror Domination and the War on Afrocentricity. Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies, 10(3), 75-99.


Kambon, Ọ., Osam, E. K., & Amfo, N. A. (2015). A Case for Revisiting Definitions of Serial Verb Constructions – Evidence from Akan Serial Verb Nominalization. Studies in African Linguistics, 44(2), 75-99.


Kambon, Ọ. (2015). Theory of Endogenous and Exogenous Motivation in L2 Migration. Per Linguam, 31(2), 1-20.


Brindle, J., Dakubu, M. E. K., & Kambon, Ọ[1]. (2015). Kiliji, An Unrecorded Spiritual Language of Eastern Ghana. Journal of West African Languages, 42(1), 65-88.


Kambon, Ọ. (2015). Legacies and the Impact of Trans-Atlantic Enslavement on the Diaspora. Journal of Pan African Studies, 8(8), 41-61.



Peer-Reviewed Encyclopedic Articles


Kambon, Ọ. (2015). Acquisition of African Languages. In M. J. Shujaa & K. J. Shujaa (Eds.), Encyclopedia of African Cultural Heritage in North America (pp. 105-109). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.


Kambon, Ọ. (2015). Africanisms in Contemporary English. M. J. Shujaa & K. J. Shujaa (Eds.). Encyclopedia of African Cultural Heritage in North America (pp. 192-198). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.




Abuah, O. (2024). km.t | Part 1 | A Journey through the Black Land Ọ. Kambon (Associate Producer); AEA Films.


Abuah, O. (2024). A Tour of Luxor | Documentary Ọ. Kambon (Associate Producer); AEA Films.


Abuah, O. (2024). Heartland | km.t: A Journey through the Black Land | Documentary Ọ. Kambon (Associate Producer); AEA Films.


Abuah, O. (2024). The First white Pharaohs: Alexandria's Hidden Legacy | Part 4 Ọ. Kambon (Associate Producer); AEA Films.


Edwards, F. (2024). Quiet Warrior: The BlackNificent Legacy of Nana Kamau Kambon O. A. P. Kambon;


Seini, R. S. (2022). Oguaaman Ọ. Kambon (Associate Producer); Chaka Orleans.



Other Academic Work/Exhibits (Edited Journal Issues)


Kambon, Ọ. (2020). Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 9(1), 1-109. doi:


Kambon, Ọ. (2019). Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 8(2).


Kambon, Ọ. (2019). Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 8(1).


Adika, G., Kambon, Ọ. (2018). Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 7(2).


Kambon, Ọ. (2018). Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 7(1), 1-120.


Kambon, Ọ. (2017). Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 6(3), 1-138.


Kambon, Ọ. (2017). Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 6(1), 1-127.


Kambon, Ọ. (2016). Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 5(1), 1-81.


[1] Corresponding Author.

National and International Conferences and Workshops






5 February 2025

Personhood Time and Culture


14 January 2025

Classical  Kemet, Decolonizing “Decolonization,” and The
Way Forward for Global

Pan-African Leadership Institute

24 November 2024

Resonating Rhythms: The Transformative Power of Abibifoɔ ‘Black People’s’ Music, Arts, and Culture

Pan-African Leadership Institute

2 November 2024

Why  Kemet Matters – Keynote

National Association of Traditional Ancestral Venerators

16 September 2024

Echoes of the Grandcestors: Getting our multiple selves in-formation with Okuninibaa Mawiyah Kambon

4th Pan-African Heritage Museum Conference

16 September 2024

#GandhiMustFall & #AugustusMustFall: Temporal Reality,  Ma’at and  srwḏ tꜢ n Kmt ‘Restoring the Land of Black People’

4th Pan-African Heritage Museum Conference

6 September 2024

Echoes of the Grandcestors: Getting our multiple selves in-formation

2nd Historic Abibitumi Conference on Black Power

15 October 2024

Decolonizing Knowledge vs. Restoring  Ma'at: Challenges and Opportunities for  Kmtyw Journals

Webinar Series on Building A Regional Knowledge Ecosystem (AFOX)

10 July 2024

Economic Warfare is Being Waged Against Black People – Ghana and Beyond

Chicago Urban League Chicago (ULC) Summer 2024 Group To Ghana

15 June 2024

Quiet Warrior Documentary Sa Ankh

Blacknificent Legacy Lecture

3 June 2024

#GandhiMustFall & #AugustusMustFall: Temporal Reality,  Ma’at and  srwḏ tꜢ n Kmt ‘Restoring the Land of Black People’

Dakar Translation Symposium-Accra

26 April 2024

#GandhiMustFall & #AugustusMustFall: Temporal Reality,  Ma’at and  srwḏ tꜢ n Kmt ‘Restoring the Land of Black People’

Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations: 40th Ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) Studies

Conference: "Working for Mekhet (The Future): The Power of Study, Deep Thought, and Good Speech."

23 December 2023

Abibitumi Architecture and the  Kmtyw (Black People's) Worldview

Institute of African Studies. University of Ghana

24 November 2023

The Origin of the Word Amen and the Scourge of Pseudo-Folk Etymology Masquerading as Linguistics

Abibitumi Special Friday Seminar

3 November 2023

Cheering for the enemy? The Most BlackPowerful Perspective on the Israel-Hamas Conflict!

Abibitumi Special Friday Seminar

3 September 2023

Bedroom Colonialism and the Interrelated Mulattofication

Abibitumi Saturday Seminar Series #57

31 August 2023

Aspects of Akan Verbal Semantics Book Launch Video and LAG as a Book Publishing House!

Linguistics Association of Ghana – Takoradi Technical University

13 July 2023



Indigenous Languages – Critical Data Source for National Development

“Spelling G” Launch

University of Professional Studies, Accra (LBC Auditorium)

8 July 2023

Abibitumi Architecture and the  Kmtyw (Black People’s) Worldview

First Historic Abibitumi Conference on Black Power, Akuapem Mampɔn, Ghana

6 May 2023

Abibitumi Architecture and the  Kmtyw (Black People’s) Worldview

Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations: 39th Ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) Studies


25 November 2022

The Role of Study Abroad in Eventual Repatriation: The Case of Ɔbenfo Ọbádélé Kambon

SIT Study Abroad Ghana 2022

18 November 2022

 Mꜣꜥt ‘Maat, Death and the Afterlife: Abstract Ideal

and/or Lived Practice?

Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations (Midwest Region Conference): Transforming African People Through Living Maat: The Way to Renewal


3 October 2022

Choosing the Right Journal

IPrA Online Seminar

The art and science of academic publishing, International Pragmatics Association,

21 September 2022

AIMing as Which Nkrumah? Black vs. non-racial

AIM-as-Nkrumah, IAS, University of Ghana

20 September 2022

Keynote: Empowering Ghanaians Through Reading

GAWBOFEST 2022, Ghana Association of Writers

14 September 2022

How Indigenous is the Material Culture of Afrikan Spiritual Systems? The Question of Political Economy

2nd International Conference on Artistic Research in Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

18 August 2022

Common Elements in Afrikan Cosmology

School of Pan African Thought, London

11 August 2022

Divinity & Nature: Ancient & Traditional Accounts of the Beginning

School of Pan African Thought, London

4 August 2022

Concepts of The Person: The Person as a Multiple Selves

School of Pan African Thought, London

17 July 2022, Celebrating 16 years from Digital Idea to Physical Institution


29 April 2022

Empowering and Enriching Cultural Knowers-Theory and Best Practices from Abibitumi

Centre for National Culture of the Upper West, Wa, Ghana

28 March 2022

Speaking Our Minds: Student Decolonization Movements in Diverse Higher Education Contexts

George Clement Bond Center for African Education

Teachers College, Columbia University

27 March 2022

The Construction of Black Civilization – Plenary

Outstanding African Thinkers Conference on N’lôngi Théophile Obenga (Benin) 2022

8 February 2022

Celebrate a Life: Life Story of Ọbádélé Kambon

San Joaquin Delta College/African Live Art

5 February 2022

Connections between  Kmt  (classical Nile Valley) and other Afrikan Civilizations

San Joaquin Delta College/African Live Art

14 November 2021

"Afrikology" vs. sbAyt nt Kmtyw ‘Studies of Black People’: The Battle for Conceptualization

Afrikology Symposium

Centre for Transdisciplinary Studies

University of Fort Hare

Alice, South Africa

11 November 2021

Keynote: Conceptual Repatriation: “Back to Africa” vs                          ir n.k iwt r Kmt ‘Make your Return to the Land of Black People’

International Interdisciplinary Conference on Repatriation In

Africa, The African Diaspora, And Other Global Contexts: Histories, Practices, Understandings and Constructions (University of Cape Coast)

6 November 2021

A Crosslinguistic Study of Body Part Expressions In Classical And Contemporary Afrikan Languages: Akan, Yorùbá, Kiswahili and  Mdw Ntr

Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations (Northeastern Illinois University/Virtual)

17 August 2021

Nana Marcus Garvey's Impact on Ghana

True Culture University

26 July 2021

Akan Ananse Stories, Yorùbá Ìjàpá Tales, and the Dikènga Theory: Worldview and Structure

AHSA/Panafest Colloquium

25 July 2021

Pan-African Perspectives in a Post COVID-19 World: Challenges for Pan-Arican Solidarity

Kwame Ture Memorial Lecture Series (Trinidad and Tobago Emancipation Support Committee)

8 May 2021

Asase Yaa (The Earth) - [Healing] Relationships, Theory & Analysis

Ìrò Conference

6 May 2021

Okunini Obádélé Kambon: Decolonization vs The Creation of Uncolonizable Spaces:

Distractions, Diversions, (Mis-)Diagnoses and the Theory of Aggressive Ideological


Learning from the Elders: The Language of Community Engagement – University of South Africa (UNISA)

17 March 2021

Akan Ananse Stories, Yorùbá Ìjàpá Tales, and the Dikènga Theory: Worldview and Structure

University of Lagos (UNILAG)

22 December 2020

Lecture #4:  Kemet for the Kemetiyu

Free the Youth Lecture Series

15 December 2020

Lecture #3: Traditional Kemet (Throughout Space and Time)

Free the Youth Lecture Series

8 December 2020

Lecture #2: Why  Kemet Matters (Kemet, Kemet!) 2020 Revision – Free the Youth

Free the Youth Lecture Series

1 December 2020

Lecture #1: Where do Black People Come From? (The Beginning is the End) Free the Youth

Free the Youth Lecture Series

31 October 2020

Afrikans=Black people must recognize our greatness

Celebrating a Legend: Dedan Kimathi at 100

26 October 2020

Open Science Beyond Open Access-For and With Communities: A Step Towards the Decolonization of Knowledge


UNESCO International Webinar Series on Open Science and the Decolonization of Knowledge

30 September 2020

Dr. King Didn't Know Gandhi Was A Racist and Sexual Deviant


21 September 2020

Ending Black Oppression, Historical lessons for Afrikan


African Youth Improvement Foundation Founder’s Day Seminar: Positive Action against Black Oppression and African Underdevelopment; the role of the Youth

24 May 2020

Reimagining a movement towards a unified Africa

Afrocentricity International #AiWeek2020 Panel Discussion

23 May 2020

The Anatomy of A Renaissance Amidst a Global Shift

Afrocentricity International #AiWeek2020 Panel Discussion

19 May 2020

Celebrating Our Shining Prince

Onyansafoɔ Nana Omowale (Nana Malcolm X)

El Hajj Malik Shabazz

Social Economy through Social Inclusion (SETSI) Panel

12 March 2020

400 Years? Enduring Historical misorientation and disorientation: Replacing Arbitrary Anglocentrism with Evidence-based Afrikan-Centered Analysis

GTV Heritage Month Lecture Series

6 February 2020

A Crosslinguistic Study of Body Part Expressions in Ancient and Contemporary Afrikan Languages: Akan, Yorùbá, Kiswahili and  mdw nTr

1st African Pragmatics Conference

19 January 2020

 Maat vs egalitarianism: Critique of Ataa Ayi Kwei Armah's  Wat nt Shemsw

Afrocentricity International

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

23 December 2019

What If? Self-Knowledge vs. Self-Ignorance

Afro-Triping 2019

26 November 2019

400 Years? Enduring Historical misorientation and disorientation - Replacing Arbitrary Anglocentrism with Evidence-based Afrikan-Centered Analysis

Nakumbuka Conference at IAS, University of Ghana

13 November 2019

Linguistic Body Part Expressions in Akan, Yorùbá, Kiswahili, and  Mdw Ntr

Linguistics Department Seminar, University of Ghana

8 November 2019

Future of Pan-Afrikanism: Streams of Original Authentic Black Pan-Afrikanism vs. Continentalist All-Africanism

Keynote – Nairobi Future of Pan-Africanism Talk

26 October 2019

EOTO - The Community-Building Study-Work Model

Keynote – Each One Teach One, Berlin, Germany (Streamed)

22 October 2019

“Ahene mu Hene”: Deɛ Ɛbunkam deɛ aka no nyinaa (Mpɔmpɔnsoɔ) wɔ Akan, Yorùbá, ne  mdw nTr mu with C.K.I. Appah and R. Akuɔko Duah

SOLCON III, University of Ghana

22 October 2019

Akomamusɛm Nnyinahɔma wɔ Akan ne Kiswahili with Josephine Dzahene Quarshie

SOLCON III, University of Ghana

22 October 2019

Kɛseɛyɔ ho Nsɛmfua-nhyehyɛɛ ne Nkyerɛaseɛ wɔ Akan Kasa mu

with C.K.I. Appah and R. Akuɔko Duah

SOLCON III, University of Ghana

19 October 2019

Our Cultural Heritage: Key to Our Development: Culture and Development talk

Akuafo Hall, University of Ghana

10 October 2019

T.R.H. Nana Marcus Mosiah Garvey and Nana Kwame Nkrumah: Convergences and Divergences – Streams of Black Pan-Afrikanism vs. Continentalist All-Africanism

Black Star Line Cooperative Credit Union Anniversary

15 October 2019

Cómo los blancos previenen la unificación de los negros y qué debemos hacer al respecto

Universidad del Pacífico, Colombia

25 September 2019

African Combat Forms Hidden in Plain Sight [UNESCO-ICM 2019]

UNESCO-ICM, 2nd Afrikan Regional Martial Arts Congress, Accra, Ghana

25 September 2019

The Potential Role of UNESCO-ICM in Combating Cultural Imperialism & Cultural Misorientation

Keynote – UNESCO-ICM, 2nd Afrikan Regional Martial Arts Congress, Accra, Ghana

8 August 2019

On creation and origins

"Year of Return" Afrikan "Genesis" Festival

7 August 2019

400 Years? Enduring Historical misorientation and disorientation and Ghana's #YearOfReturn

Heritage and Cultural Studies Association, Accra

6 August 2019

400 years? Replacing Arbitrary Anglocentrism with Evidence-based Afrikan-Centered Analysis

Year of Return Conference 2019, GIMPA

13 July 2019

Naa Gbewa: The Northern Experience

Chale Wɔte Festival 2019

11 July 2019

Politicians, Prostiticians, and The Ghana united snakkkes Military Base Agreement

Ghana Studies Association 2019, School of Law, University of Ghana

29 April 2019

Why  Kemet Matters: Okunini Ọ̣bádélé Kambon

CIEE Lecture Series, University of Ghana

14 March 2019

What was Israel in relation to Afrikan=Black People: The Danger of a Single Story

IAS Lecture Series, University of Ghana

6 February 2019

The Afrikan=Black People who Emancipated Themselves: CIEE BHM Lecture

CIEE Black History Month Lecture, University of Ghana

6 November 2018

Critique of Ayi Kwei Armah's  Wat nt Shemsw

The First Outstanding African Thinkers Conference on Chinweizu, IAS, University of Ghana

31 July 2018

Morpho-semantics of Superlatives, Augmentatives and Pseudo-augmentative Constructions in Akan with Dr. Clement Appah and Dr. R. Akuɔko Duah

Linguistics Association of Ghana 2018. University of Ghana

19 June 2018

Marcus Garvey, Authentic Pan-Afrikanism and Afrikan=Black Identity

Marcus Garvey Awards Ball and Banquet Launch


30 March 2018

Intergenerational Transmission: Culture, Leadership and NationBuilding

Sankɔfa Conference 2018 Keynote (Livestreamed)

13 October 2017

What Afrikan Names May (or May Not) Tell Us about the State of Pan-Afrikanism

with Nana Yaw Mmireku Yɛboah

African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA) 2017. University of Ghana.

22 February 2018

Du Bois and the Human Rights Agenda

150th Anniversary Symposium

28 June 2017

“You Can Sit Down Next to white Folks – on the Toilet” – Integration, Apartheid, and Untouchability. with Nana Yaw Mireku Yɛboah.

The 2nd Kwame Nkrumah Pan-African Intellectual & Cultural Festival. University of Ghana.

24 June 2017

Ministry of the Future Benin Delegation Citizenship Workshop at IAS. with Dr. Hamet Maulana

Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana

30 March 2017

The Ancient Afrikan Origins of Pan-Afrikanism – A Textual Analysis. with Dr. De-Valera N.Y.M. Botchway.

African Studies Seminar. University of Ghana

3 December 2016

Divest from America - Invest in Africa: Make Afrika Great Again!

ASAA panel live streamed to ASA in Washington, DC

27 July 2016

Akan and Yorùbá Serial Verb Construction Nominals as Idioms.

Linguistics Association of Ghana. GILLBT, Tamale.

26 May 2016

Video for Engagement in the African Classroom and Beyond.

eLearning Africa International Conference 2016 |:| Khere-Ohe (Cairo), Kmt (Egypt).

20 April 2016

Writing in Akan: Misspellings, Typos, Deviations or Innovations? An Akan (Twi) Case Study on Lexicalization, Idiomaticity and Semantic Opacity.

Department of Linguistics Seminar, University of Ghana.

14 April 2016

African Militaristic Forms Hidden in Plain Sight: Capoeira, Asafo and Knockin-and-kickin’.

Institute of African Studies. University of Ghana

30 November 2015

ReAfrikanization and Dewhitenization for Total Afrikan Liberation: Towards a Methodology for Self-Transformation.

Ministry of the Future Program. Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana

13 November 2015

Why  Kemet (Ancient Egypt) Matters

Afrikan Renaissance Foundation. Department of Archaeology. University of Ghana

28 October 2015

Lexicalization and Issues of Semantic Analysis in Serial Verb Construction Nominalization.

School of Languages Conference 2015 (SOLCON 1)

27 October 2015

Twi Abɛɛfosɛm: Kasa, Kankorɔ ne Nkɔsoɔ (Twi Neologisms: Language, Progress and Development).

School of Languages Conference 2015 (SOLCON 1)

15 October 2015

The Ancient African Origins of Pan-Africanism. with Dr. De-Valera N.Y.M. Botchway.

African Studies Association of Africa. University of Ìbàdàn.

10 October 2015

How you can make it on African Soil: An Abibitumi Kasa Case Study.

Africana Conference 2015. University of Cape Coast.

21 September 2015

The Forces Arrayed Against Africa: Cultural and Spiritual Warfare.

Founder’s Day 2015. University of Ghana.

29 July, 2015

Non-African Linguists Be Like “This is a new way to quote! with Dr. Reginald Akuɔko Duah.

Linguistics Association of Ghana 2015. KNUST College of Science

28 July 2015

KiswaTwili or TwiSwahili: A Study of Parallel Proverbs in Akan (Twi) and Kiswahili. with Dr. Josephine Dzahene-Quarshie.

Linguistics Association of Ghana 2015. KNUST College of Science.


22 May 2015

Experiences at The World’s Largest Online African Language Learning Institute.

e-Learning Africa Conference 2015. African Union, Addis Ababa.

24 April 2015

The Humanities and the Sciences as Complementary Aspects of an African Whole.

NYU/IAS Conference on the Humanities.

20 March 2015

Harnessing Our Culture for National Development: The Role of the Ghanaian Student.

Legon Archaeology Students' Association African Arts Festival (AAFEST). Archaeology Department, University of Ghana.

4 December 2014

Parallels between Akan Ananse Stories and Yorùbá Ìjàpá Tales: Structure, Function, Content and Worldview.

IAS Weekly Thursday Seminar. University of Ghana Institute of African Studies.

28 November 2014

Transformations through Study Abroad: My Experience.

CIEE 20th Anniversary Keynote. University of Ghana - International House

15 October 2014

Serial Verb Nominalization in Akan: A question of intervening elements.

Linguistics Department Seminar. University of Ghana Linguistics Department.

28th July 2014

Chanting YorùbÁkan: A Stylistic Analysis of Jími Ṣólańkẹ́'s ‘Ọ̀nà Là’

Linguistics Association of Ghana 2014. University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA).

28th July, 2014

Legacies of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade on the Diaspora.

20th Anniversary of UNESCO Slave Route Project Talk. University of Ghana Institute of African Studies

24 May 2014

Neo-Colonialism as an Impediment

Opening Keynote Speech Model African Union Conference. SOS Hermann Gmeiner International College

7 March 2014

Africanisms in Contemporary English with specific reference to Ebonics in the US.  

IAS Weekly Thursday Seminar. Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana

23 October 2013

Recurrent Sound Correspondences of Akan and Yorùbá: Towards Proto-Benue-Kwa C1 Reconstruction.

Department of Linguistics Seminar, University of Ghana.

30 July 2013

Serial Verb Nominalization in Akan.

Linguistics Association of Ghana (LAG), University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana.

4 November 2011

Serial Verb Nominalization in Akan and Yorùbá: Towards a cross-linguistic typology.

Linguistics Department Seminar. University of Ghana

9 August 2011

Analytic Causatives in Akan. with Reginald Duah

Linguistics Association of Ghana (LAG). KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana

June 2011

Afrikan Worldview and Afrikan Spirituality.

Adaa, Ghana

30 September 2009

Serial Verbs in African Language Syntax and the Morphosyntactic Interface: A Formally Functional Approach

Department of Linguistics Seminar. University of Ghana

27 September 2006

What Black Studies Can Do for You

Chicago State University.

18 March 2006

Linguistic Connections between Akan, Yorùbá and  Mdw Ntr

Teaching About Africa Professional Development Seminar Series. Kemetic Institute. Northeastern Illinois University.

10 October 2005

Faculty of Language: what is it, who has it and how did it evolve?

Seminar on Syntax. UW-Madison

20 April 2005

Yoruba Greetings and the Yoruba (African) Worldview

World Languages Day. UW-Madison

May 2004

Ìwà-pẹ̀lẹ́ and Ìwà rere: Yorùbá Conceptions of Good Character (in honor of Baba Jedi Shemsu Djehewty aka Dr. Jacob Carruthers).

21st Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations (ASCAC) Conference, Malcolm X College, Chicago, IL

17 November 2003

Cultural Unity of Worldview and Ethos in the Akan and Yoruba Oral Narrative Traditions.

Seminar on African Mythology. UW-Madison

27 June 2003

The Importance of Reclaiming African Language/Worldview and the Responsibility of the African Language Teacher.

Special Keynote: National African Language Resource Center Summer Teacher Training and Curriculum Development Institute. UW-Madison.

29 April 2003

Ọ̀nà Là: A Stylistic Analysis of Jimi Solanke’s Poetry

African Languages and Literature Graduate Student Colloquium



Teaching and Supervision
  1. Teaching


    a.      Undergraduate Only


    UGRC 220: Intro to African Studies

    UGRC 235-238: Intro to African Languages

    UGRC 238: Introductory Conversational Akan (Twi)

    ENG 314: Introduction to African Literature (Guest Lecturer for Dr. Kwabena Opoku-Agyeman)

    AUCC: African Biographies (African University College of Communications)

    AUCC: African Religion in Africa and the Diaspora

    AUCC: Pan-Africanism

    AUCC: African Diaspora Studies

    ICSE-329L: African Communications (Northeastern Illinois University)

    African 201: Introduction to African Literature (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

    African 371-372: Introductory Yorùbá (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

    b.      Post-graduate

    AFST 638: Foundations of African Thought

    AFST 640: Seminar I: Academic Writing (with Dr. Akrofi Ansah)

    AFST 607: African Oral Narratives (Prof. Sutherland-Addy and Dr. Nanbigne)

    African 373-374: Intermediate Yorùbá (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

    AFST 645: The Writing System of

     Mdw Ntr (Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs)

    AFST 647: Connections between Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Contemporary African Languages

    AFST 648: Readings in Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs


    Graduate Student Thesis Supervisor


    Adjandeh, E. (2018). The Socio-Cultural Life of the Eʋe Peoples Through Funeral Poetry: A Case Study of the Akpini People of The Volta Region, Ghana. University of Ghana, Legon. Ph.D.

    Adétọ̀míwá, A. (In progress). Language And Culture Change: Study Of Yorùbá In Èkó, Nigeria And Kétou, Benin Republic. University of Ghana, Ph.D.

    Bodua-Mango, R. (In progress). An Ethno-linguistic Investigation of Safaliba Personal Names and Nomenclature Systems. University of Ghana, Ph.D.

    Darko, Nora Mintah. (In progress). Care for Children with Disabilities in The Advent of Covid-19: A Study in The Greater Accra Region of Ghana, University of Ghana, Ph.D.

    Gumbe, N. (2020). UKWENZIWA KWENDALO: An exploration of the alignment between Afrikan Thought and Communal Space. University of Ghana, M.Phil.


    Opare, G. (In progress). An Ethnographic Study of Duabɔ Among the People of Asante-Akyem Agogo. University of Ghana, Ph.D.


    Ɔkyere, B. Ɔ. (2020). The Dynamics of African Proverbs: Akan And Yorùbá. University of Ghana, M.Phil.


    Jones, D. (2017). Black Existentialism: A Historico-Philosophical Analysis of Black Experiences in America. University of Ghana, MPhil. (I eventually resigned from this committee due to student not following advice/instructions). 


    Undergraduate Student Research Supervisor

    Broughton, L. (2019) The African American International Traveler’s Blue Book: Towards a More Global Future for African Americans. Amherst College, B.A.

    Doty, S. (2019). Ghanaians’ Perception of African Americans. Colgate University, B.A.