Professor Akosua became the Director of the Institute of African Studies between the years 2010 and 2015. She is currently the professor of African and Gender Studies at the IAS, University of Ghana. She is President of the African Studies Association of Africa; a privileged Professor at the Center for African Studies at the University of Birmingham; and a Fellow at the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is the Immediate Former Dean of International Programs at the University of Ghana. professor Adomako views herself as an activist scholar. Activist. Her areas of interest include African Knowledge systems; Higher education; Race and Identity Politics; Gender relations; Masculinities; and Popular Culture. In her current work on black masculinities, she explores the shifting nature of identities among young men in Africa and the diaspora. Another project, “An Archive of Activism: Gender and Public History in Postcolonial Ghana” seeks to constitute a publicly accessible archive of, and documentary on gender activism and “political women” in postcolonial Ghana (with Kate Skinner, University of Birmingham; funded by the British Academy).
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology, Master of Science, Development Planning & Management, Post-graduate Diploma, Regional and Spatial Planning, Bachelor of Science, Architectural Design.
Her recent publications include:
- Producing Inclusive Feminist Knowledge: Positionalities and Discourses in the Global South. Bingley: Emerald Publishing (forthcoming & Co-edited with Josephine Beoku-Betts).
- “Young African Men’s Reflections on Negotiating Sexual Intimacy”. In Gabriela M. Torres and Kersti Yllö. (Eds.) Sexual Violence in Intimacy: Implications for Research and Policy in Global Health. Philadelphia: Routledge (in press).
- “Re-viewing Studies on Africa, #Black Lives Matter, and Envisioning the Future of African Studies” in African Studies Review (59)2: 7-27 (2016).
- Her Publications are enlisted between her current work dates and down to the year 2010 of which one get access to on this link: https://ias.ug.edu.gh/content/professor-akosua-adomako-ampofo.