Ahmed Badawi Mustapha is a Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon. His research broadly intersects Religion, Politics, and Security. He specifically focuses on Islam and Muslim societies, particularly in Africa, the interconnectedness of politics and religion, religious infrastructure, militant organisations, political/ethnic violence and conflicts, radical ideologies, counter-extremism and decoloniality. He’s currently working on various projects that intersects Religion, Politics, and Security.
Middle East Technical University(METU), Ankara; Doctor of Philosophy, International Relations
National University of Singapore, Singapore, Master of Social Sciences in Political Science
University of Ghana, Legon, Political Science and Study of Religions, Bachelor of Arts Degree (Hons)
- Islam and Security in Africa
- Religious Infrastructure
- Militant organisations and Radical ideologies
- Muslim societies and indigenous knowledge hubs
- Internet access and Terrorism content online
- Political/Ethnic violence and conflicts
- Counter-extremism
- Decoloniality
- Mustapha, Ahmed Badawi. (2021). “Moderate’ Islam in Western Counterterrorism Praxes: Countering Extremism or Coercing Negligence?’. Rowaq Arabi 26 (3), pp. 23-38.
- Muhammad Dan Suleiman, Hakeem Onapajo, and Ahmed Badawi Mustapha.(2021). External Influence, Failed States, Ungoverned Spaces and Small Arms Proliferation in Africa. In Tar, UA, and Onwurah, CP (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Small Arms and Conflict in Africa. London: Palgrave Macmillan,pp161-185.
- Mustapha, Ahmed Badawi.(2019). Islamization of Knowledge and the Challenge of Defining ‘the Secular Knowledge’ within the Context of the Maqasid shari'a. In Bulut, M., & Kudat, A. (Eds.),Tradition and Knowledge in the Social Sciences. Istanbul: IZU publications.pp540-549.
- Mustapha, Ahmed Badawi and Abdallah Imam Haruna. (2021). Rethinking the taproot of Security Challenges in Africa: Bringing Back Colonial Heritage, Nile Journal of Political Science 2 (1),pp.6-25.
- Ahmed Badawi Mustapha Sub-Saharan Africa’s digital poverty in Perspective in Muschert Glenn et al (Eds) 2022 Global Agenda for Social Justice: Solutions 2022.Bristol : Policy Press University of Bristol.
Forthcoming Publications
- Journal Articles/Book Chapters:
Mustapha, Ahmed Badawi and Genevive Nrenzah.2025.(forthcoming). “Pacifist Tradition Through Decades of Tafsīr: A Study of Mallam Mohammed Rashad’s Exegesis of The Qur’an.” The Sanneh Institute.
Mustapha, Ahmed Badawi and Rashida Alhassan Adum-Atta.2025.(forthcoming) “Nuances of Religious Coexistence: Festivities and Festive Foods in Madina.” Critical African Studies Journal.
Mustapha, Ahmed Badawi.2025.(forthcoming) “Religion, Human (in)security and the Environment: the case of Illegal Mining in Western Ghana.” Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology.
- Ahmed Badawi Mustapha, “Exploring Indigenous Mechanisms for Building Social Cohesion: the case of the Bawku Conflict in Northern Ghana” a paper presented at a conference organised by The Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) at Swedish Defence University, Drottning Kristinas Väg 37, Stockholm under the theme ‘Social cohesion in post-conflict settings” 13-15 May 2024
- Ahmed Badawi Mustapha, “Religion, Human (in)security and the Environment: the case of Illegal Mining in Western Ghana” a paper presented at a conference organised by the Sanneh Institute at The Hephzibah Christian Centre under the theme ‘Religions and (In)security in Africa” University of Ghana 19-23 November 2023
- Ahmed Badawi Mustapha, “Group Without Ideology and Ideology Without Group?: Rethinking Groupism through Radicalisation and De-Radicalisation (Disengagement) Praxes” a paper presented at the MIASA MID TERM Conference at the ISSER University of Ghana under the theme Sustainable Governance in a Time of Global Flux: Issues, Concepts and Future Directions’ University of Ghana 19-21 September 2023.
- Ahmed Badawi Mustapha, “Ghana’s Religious Infrastructures in Perspective: The National Mosque and the National Cathedral” a paper presented at a conference sponsored by Point Sud at the Institute of African Studies under the theme ‘Religious Infrastructure: From Africa and Beyond’ University of Ghana 6-10 June 2023.
- Ahmed Badawi Mustapha, “Revisiting Pacifist Tradition in West African Islam Amid Rising Tides of Militant Jihadism”, a paper presented at a seminar organised by the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana 28th May 2023.
- Ahmed Badawi Mustapha, “Between Emancipation and Captivity: The Decolonised Jackson’s Park of Kumasi”, a paper presented at a conference organised by the American Association of Geographers under the session ‘Situating the colonial past in the present: contested cultural heritage, symbolic reparations, and spaces of healing in cities’, Denver March 23 - 27, 2023.
- Ahmed Badawi Mustapha, “Nuances of Religious Co-existence: Muslims and Security in Southern Ghana’s Urban Space”, a paper presented at a conference organised by the IFG7 on the theme ‘Religious Diversity in Urban Africa: Exploring Modes of CoExistence’Funded by Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA),KNUST Kumasi November 2- 4, 2022.
- Ahmed Badawi Mustapha and Sulley Ibrahim, “Between Security and Criminal Justice: State Governance of the Western Togoland Separatist Conundrum in Ghana” a paper presented at the 4th Ghana Studies Triennial Conference under the theme “Ghana at Crossroads” University for Development Studies, Tamale 18-20 July 2022.
Ahmed Badawi Mustapha “ ISIS in the Middle East(and beyond)” a lecture delivered at the Ghana College of Defence Studies, July 30, 2024.
Ahmed Badawi Mustapha “‘Whose Religion?’, ‘Whose Conflict?’: Nuances of ‘Religious Conflicts’ in Sub-Saharan Africa” a lecture delivered under the Global Awareness Course Series Themed “Peace and Conflict at the Global Level: Contemporary Issues” organised by University of Tübingen May 16th, 2023.
Ankara University Faculty of Political Science Erasmus+ Programme Teaching Assignment Mobility for the spring semester between the dates 30.04.2023-06.05.2023.
UGRC 234 Philosophy in African Cultures
Post Graduate:
AFST 616 Islam and Christianity in Africa
AFST 719 Religion and Politics in Africa